Als Profis freuen wir uns über Einladungen sehr!

Range of goods
Cloth and fabric for garments, costumes and uniforms made from pure natural fibers in the best quality at affordable prices.

We’d rather be near the camp than near the stage. The place must be accessible directly with a transporter and must not be near a blacksmith or the like because of the soot.

Electricity / water
Electricity is nice to have, but not a must. We don’t need a water connection.

We have various, free-standing stands that we use to suit the event:

Our medieval tent stand (picture above) needs a total of  8m x 3m  (WxD) = 24sqm area.
The tent measures 6m x 3m x 3.5m (WxDxH) including bracing. There is also an action table measuring 2m x 3m. The stand is open at the front by default, so if another side can be opened all the better. The ground doesn’t matter, it should only be halfway flat.

Our Viking tent stand (picture below) measures 4m x 4m x 2.5m including bracing, i.e. 16sqm. This stand needs a surface into which pegs can be hammered.

IMG 5432
Viking Stand

Our booth
is ideally a corner booth with 6-8 x 3 m

DSC 0276
Exhibition Stand











Historical flat loom

We can demonstrate the handicraft of the cloth weaver on true-to-original medieval looms if requested by the organizer. This requires  Approx. 2 x 2 meters of additional space.